Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A crappy computer & A tsunami monitor

This computer is unbelievable. The screen is wobbling. It’s like there a tsunami going on in there. Imagine this happening to a PC inside a factory manufacturing monitor tubes. We manufacture those colorful babies and yet I’m using this lousy piece of crap. Oh wait… this monitor has no brand. It’s nameless. This anonymous piece of crap somehow manages to penetrate into the large market of monitor tubes.

Hmmm… further investigation shows there is no sign of competitor’s sabotage. This is weird. Why are we not using our own brand name? I see our competitors name all over the other monitors but where is the name of the company I work for?

It’s a gloomy day. It wanted to cry but it can’t. Its face is dark and pale. It doesn’t seem to have any chance for a bright shiny day. Rain, rain goes away. Please come again another day.


It’s just another day in paradise. I think so… it should be. What else could explain the situation I’m in right now? Sitting in front of this lousy piece of crap with the tsunami monitor… typing one letter after another until it forms a complete sentence. I should be out there in the battlefield, combating against problematic robots, machines and human beings. It’s like a scene in Terminator. The only difference is that in Terminator, the war lasts approximately 2 hours but here it seems to last forever.

Argh!!! I want shoju… beer… whisky… stout…

I’m starting to get a headache staring at this tsunami monitor. I need to find a better PC.

Sayonara… we shall meet again.

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